Private Coaching for Social Confidence in Calgary - location details & office photos
Most everyone I know feels better about coming for private coaching when they know what to expect. I've talked about what happens in a private coaching session, but what about the location? If you are coming for coaching in Calgary, you will be probably be coming to my office location in Varsity Estates in the NW.
It's so much easier to read in detail about what a private session is like and where the office space is ahead of time, so that by the time you come you can feel almost like you've already been here before. This makes it so much easier to relax.
The address is 1700 Varsity Estates Drive NW. It's right beside the Silver Springs Golf Course, and is located in a private area with free parking.
Here's a photo of the building from the front so you will recognize it when you get there. This is a photo on a nice summer day.
And here is one taken from a slightly different angle that shows how it usually looks - ie WINTER lol
You can see that the building looks like a cross between a large house and a strip mall. My office is located on the main floor and is part of Aspire Psychology and Wellness Group.
Parking and the entry to the reception area is at the back of the building in a lovely park-like area. To get there, drive up the driveway just beside the building. You will see a big pedestrian sign just before the driveway. Follow that driveway around the back of the building to the parking and entrance area. Here's how to do it:.
The first time you come it can seem a bit tricky to find the right place to park and the entrance, so come a few minutes early if you like. After that you will find everything very easily.
Once you park in the parking lot take a very short walk to the reception entrance. You can follow the sign to the reception area for the Varsity ExecuCentre. Here is the sign you will see. Walk towards and past that sign and follow the very short path right to the building entrance.
This short pathway looks so green and refreshing in the summer with all the trees, lush green grass, flowers and birds chirping. Now that winter is here it looks like a park still, but a park in the middle of winter lol :)
The reception area is just through the double doors (photo below).
You are here!
Come on in through these doors and let the receptionist know you are here to see me. Once you let the receptionist know you are here (both receptionists are very friendly welcoming calm people), they will let me know you have arrived and will show you to my office which is down the hall.
I will be there to meet you and welcome you in.
The office space is home to several professionals "Aspire Psychology and Wellness Group". Clients often remark that the space feels relaxing, tranquil and calming. It is actually a modern high-end condo (no one lives here now) that has been converted to office space for psychology, education and wellness services.
Here is a photo of the fireplace/ group session area.
One of our goals is to create a relaxed, private, safe, comfortable, meeting place. This office space is a place where you can relax, learn and explore solutions in an understanding accepting environment. This space feels friendly and warm, not like a medical or office setting. You are welcome here to relax and be yourself, knowing that you are understood and supported.
Once you come on in, you might want some tea, water or coffee. Here is the coffee station where we sometimes also have group sessions.
Here is the kitchen island where we have stocked many different types of soothing drinks and you can start to feel at home here.
We will meet in one of several spacious yet cozy offices which are all private and professional yet you will see how welcoming and comfortable it is as well.
There are several offices each with its own character, and each private, comfortable and relaxing. You will find that the more often you are here, that you begin to feel very relaxed as soon as you arrive.
If you haven't already, why don't you read about what a private session is like. Here are some details on what happens in a private coaching session.
Think you'd like to try this out? Today is always a good time to take action to solve your problems so that you don't just stay stuck for months or years more. You might decide to contact me now (it's absolutely ok to just send me an email - put schedule an appointment in the subject line) and press send. I'll get back to you within 24 hours. If I don't do so it means I did not receive your email so please re-send)